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Sidney Leal

quinta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2013

"The Awakening of Faith"

With closed eyes he followed a pre - defined in your mind. After months of study and testing could finally run that presentation that craved. Spoke with the certainty of repetition, with the certainty of the text nicely decorated. And with the right hand raised to the heavens holding a bible chanted sermon written by him and previously approved by his superiors. Noted that among the indifferent passers passers by its presentation, a few people stopped and sat on benches or on the grass of the garden that municipal square and yielded him the attention he demanded. Eyes half open found this development , because I was there talking flies since eight o'clock in the morning , reciting , singing , and calling the people passing to hear ' the word of the Lord ' that he presented . Chosen a small rise concrete where was the brass bust of a large Brazilian philosopher, and a plaque that read the words: "Believing is easier than thinking. So there are more believers than thinkers." Smiled lightly mocking irony of this meeting, and while covering the bust and concealed blasphemy that thought he heard a voice that rebuked:
- What is causing this crime knew? Spoke a young tattooed as he scratched his shaggy goatee analyzing the scene.
- Outside boy! Go back to the darkness of your world. Replied the man of faith adjusting the mantle of his church on the bust of metal. The boy took a picture with her ​​cell phone and went away angry. Nothing hinder his preaching! Thought smiling at a Catholic church a few meters it was presented.
It was a hot morning of Wednesday, wearing a cheap suit of black color which made him sweat, the collar of the white shirt without a tie closed until the last button, formed moisture stains of sweat. Sometimes the air felt heavy and a difficulty in breathing and the index finger more than once, tried to loosen his collar leaving the neck free to breathe. At this point he paused, placed the Bible he carried over a black leather suitcase that was at his feet, and bought a bottle of water from a sitting to walking also paid attention to his words. He took out a coin to pay for the drink, but the walking declined, thanked him with a: - Thank you brother! Looked pleased as he drank around, your audience increased considerably, the shepherds would be there soon, and could see how he was doing well in his last test for pastoral leader. Barely contained satisfaction, as now formed a small crowd around him. He was enlightened! For dozens of strange eyes sought his words guidance and consolation to the challenges of hard life.
Suddenly left the bottle of water falling frightened, when among those unknown eyes noticed that his wife and daughter remained compassionate standing at a distance, with sad looks directed at him. It was not possible! Because the two were at home locked in the room with their throats cut! Played on the floor amid a huge puddle of gore. Had this vision in mind, it had been watching them throughout the night, sitting on a small stool beside their cold bodies. He was in a suit and dozed with his head arched back, when the clock told him it was time for their commitment and left home, coming straight to the square.
I was terribly frightened at the sight, and more than once have cold hands of terror in his eyes half open by the force of the midday sun approaching. Rubbed once, twice , causing the sweat hot sunny day to mix with the cold sweat the night of the murder , But as the apparitions still insist on staying there with sad looks static , dropped away from them and ducked to pick up your Bible , but she 's gone! Was not on top of his suitcase, and not on the floor! People around you approached him even more, around a circle formed nearly a hundred odd people who charged him with hungry eyes acalentadoras his words, they did not talk, not voice, not in words which might be heard by ordinary people. But he clearly heard the cry of your request:
- Speak! More! More! Everyone's eyes widened and their mouths inert skirt no sound, but his mind still listened to them, the clamor was louder.
- More, more! We want more!
- I cannot! Without my Bible I can not ... Help me, where is my bible someone saw? The question was lost in the void that ignorant mob that surrounded him closer. In desperation, remembered the valise the opening wildly. Neither looked inside, began to worry about their safety. Now more than a hundred strangers around him were a few meters away and there were so many that we could not see anything around you. In their faces empty of emotion, expressionless eyes thirsty words, the hunger of their faith and that consumed pastor threw the weight of their desires and hopes.
When his hand touched something, could feel the Bible with your fingers. But to cut it noticed the sleeve of his suit dirty in a hot liquid, dripping hands and bible itself as immersed in blood! Terrified realized that people were too close and he could not scream, they played as if trying to tear a piece, and their crooked mouths formed an evil grin.
- More! More! Listened as the crowd tore her hair and bit his ears, tore their clothes amid hunger of his words. Her daughter was in front, inert, embraced with bible; his eyes were sad, serious, but pious. Turned listening to Mother calls her away, to the despair of his father.
- No! I need her deliver me my Bible! Shouted a last flash of consciousness , because the mob of fanatics among his muffled cries , he tore his eyes and ate the flesh of your body , because your search for salvation had become insane and needed to be satiated.
Far away indifferent Mother and daughter looked at each other smiling as they walked quietly with intact bible in his hands, followed far from the evangelical pastor in a way totally opposite to the square of the Catholic Church, followed by a path full of flowers sun-drenched blessed through day, which rose in the distance a mysterious celestial library. The two followed towards distant awareness of human wisdom. - Sidney Leal

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