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Sidney Leal

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2014

Ode to Alvares de Azevedo

"I love the strong and lovely evening that involves me in his arms and listening to their whispers write, declamo, I'm real. 
I Love Sex Women incernes its facets, her languid lips of love and pleasure, their naked bodies to satisfy me, the insane crazy things I can do. 
I deny religion because I pray it, I desconjuro, I accept myself and Panic with its laws, with their dogmas born of human ignorance. 
I love to drink that intoxicates my mind desanuviando inconsequential my real way of being, her word against fluidity of the power of poetry, the magic that infects my restless soul. My art, breathe blood and sweat, sure my passion I can only write yourself bucking the crowd. " -  Sidney Leal

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